Technology Advancements in Integrity Management of Storage Tanks


John Lilley and Mark Stone

Sonomatic Ltd


The industry is well versed with Corrosion mapping of vessels and pipework but Corrosion Mapping of Storage Tanks has always relied on “dropping the tank” which has an impact on production and risk. The industry does not like working in confined spaces and there are moves towards zero-man entry over the lifetime of storage and process vessels.

Storage Tanks are susceptible to a range of internal and external corrosion processes. As such inspection plays a major role in effective integrity management of Storage Tanks. Historically, inspection of the floor has relied on emptying the tank and personnel entry for cleaning and inspection. Internal inspection for other mechanisms also takes place at this time. This means tanks can be out of service for significant periods of time.

Sonomatic have developed a range of methods for inspection of Storage Tanks while in-service. A key element is robotic cleaning and inspection of the floor. This forms part of a comprehensive inspection in which the tank shell is also inspected non-intrusively using ultrasonic corrosion mapping supported by statistical analysis. The presentation will give an overview of the technologies involved, how these link into more efficient integrity management of Storage Tanks and will also include a case study of field application.

A fascinating not to be missed presentation

Date:            8th March

Venue:         Imperial College, Skempton Building, London SW7 2BB

18.00  Doors Open – Networking

18:30  Presentation – Sonomatic Ltd

20.00  Buffet & Refreshments – Networking

21.00  Close


For further information please contact

ICorr – London Meeting – 8th March 2018 msrev[5798]

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