Engineering Corrosion in a Changing World – Sustainability, Costs, and Solutions
We’ve come a long way from burning wood for energy. As we’ve progressed to burning coal, oil, and gas, the hydrocarbon energy industry has played a major part in lifting 80% of the population out of poverty. However, it’s become clear that this path isn’t sustainable. The discovery, extraction, generation, and distribution of hydrocarbons creates a huge amount of effluent that must be dealt with – we’re now integrity engineering for a sustainable future.
The good news is, we have the power to change that – and the corrosion control industry has a big role to play in creating sustainable solutions for the energy sector. In fact, achieving the net zero emissions target depends upon effective corrosion management (including in carbon capture and storage).
It’s time to focus on the sustainability conversation
Solutions come from discussing problems and brainstorming around them. We have the technology and know-how to design systems and procedures that will provide corrosion control for the life of an asset. However, cost must always be considered. Too often it causes reduced performance between concept and construction.
Imagine designing systems and procedures that not only protect assets, but also help us reach net zero emissions. And while cost is always a consideration, it mustn’t be the deciding factor in creating a better future.
Getting serious about integrity engineering for a sustainable future
The Institute of Corrosion has joined forces with the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers to host a not-to-be-missed event for all those involved in (or interested in) the challenges facing the energy industry and how we can address them. Among the topics open for discussion will be:
- New ways to provide energy
- Repurpose of existing resources
- Effects on sustainable corrosion control solutions
At this event, leading players in the field will present, debate, and challenge current engineering solutions as we seek to gain greater perspective on how to meet our future environmental requirements.
All participants will gain a greater understanding of the value chain and the journey from concept to end user, as well as the challenges experienced by all players in the energy sector.
The North East – the perfect location to discuss integrity engineering for sustainability
The conference will take place in the exceptional Neville Hall in the centre of Newcastle. Within walking distance of many fantastic hotels, Neville Hall is easily accessed by car and train. It houses many excellent facilities, including lecture theatres, breakout rooms, and a superb library. But the quality of Neville Hall is not the only reason for hosting the conference in the North East.
This region of the UK has been a powerhouse in the energy industry for centuries. It’s not just a prime location with easy access for those in the energy sector ─ it also has a rich history in energy production. Geographically and geologically significant, the North East boasts coal, steel, and chemicals production. It’s a hub for the distribution of North Sea energy to London and the South East. It’s an ideal location for delegates, asset owners, fabricators, paint manufacturers, researchers, applicators, and more from around the UK. But most importantly, this is the region that houses two of the UK’s most significant carbon capture projects and the noteworthy wind turbine centre in the Port of Blythe.
How can you become involved in the sustainability conversation?
The conference is a one-day event, divided into four sessions. Each session will have an expert chair, leading and facilitating discussion. There will also be a conference dinner in the evening, and an optional site visit the morning following the day of the conference.
For further details, to learn how to book your place as a delegate, or to enquire about conference sponsorship opportunities, please email ICorr or
We have also launched our call for presentations. If you would care to present at the event, please email an abstract of no more than 300 words including your name, organisation, presentation title, and main theme/title to