Aberdeen Branch

The branch committee are pleased to announce the following upcoming events for which registration details will be sent to all members:

• Tuesday – 28/02/2022 Hybrid, Raza Amin, Ankaa Consulting, will talk on, “The Enterprise Holistic Digital Solution for Asset Integrity Management.”
• Tuesday – 28/03/2023 Hybrid, Kevin McDonald, Sonomatic, will talk on, “Effective Pipework analysis and inspection planning using Digital Twins.”

The branch is also very pleased to announce that ICR Aberdeen are to host the annual ABZ ICorr Industrial visit, planned for the 25th of April 2023. This innovative company offer specialist repair, inspection, and integrity solutions to a diverse range of industries. Places are limited for this event.

Further Information about the Aberdeen Branch, and past presentations, may be found on their website page: Aberdeen Branch – Institute of Corrosion (icorr.org), and to join the Aberdeen branch mailing list, please contact: icorrabz@gmail.com

Abstracts of potential papers for the branch technical programme are always welcome, and anyone wishing to join committee should correspond with the Aberdeen Chair, Dr Muhammad Ejaz,

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General Enquiries

Institute of Corrosion
Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222
e-mail: admin@icorr.org

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