New Members

Welcome to the 193 new members, 2 Sustaining Company members, and 3 Corporate members, who joined in 2022.

TOGETHER WITH THE CONGRATULATIONS of the Institute to all the following members who have attained Professional status in 2021.

Sadiq Alshehab, Grant
William Wright

Jamshed Ahamad, Mohsin Behzad Ahmed, Adeleke Akinola, Ali Ahmed Almulla Azri Aziz, Sumedh Dayal, Victor Ime Dickson, Stephen Edgar, Venkateswaran Elangovan, Ahmed Magdy Mohammed Elsayed,Rajkumar Ganapathi, Olesia Gautsel, Veysi Helvaci, Alaaeldin Hikail, Damian Humphreys, Abdul Hakkim Nandankizhaya Jabbar, Nitin Jain, Stephen Harry Jarvis, Kashif Javeed, Nitin Jayaprakash, Stephen Jones, Mohamed Kamoura, Chaitanya Kumar Kanukula, David Kerr, Muhammad Ahmad Khan, Shamsh Tabrez Khan, David Christopher Lawson, Ramesh Manimuthu, Michel Cesar Mbadinga, Mohamed Mohfouz, Ali Mukhtiar, James Richard McGladdery, Yusuf Nasidi, Kelechi Osuoji, Steven William Pennock, Vijay Ramakrishna Perumal, Muhammad Usman Ali Qureshi, Shaik Rafithulla, Vishav Preet Singh Rana, Kannan Sadasivam, Eng Peng Seng, Rabik Raja Sha, Maged Fawzy Ahmed Shams, Muhammad Usman Shouk, Naved Tanveer, Lee Taylor, Muhammed Touheed, Ian Robert Tuck, Doruk Yilmaz

Brian Goldie, Kenneth Paul Griffiths, John Charles Norris, Eugene Ogosi, Padmanabhan Pavithran, Nigel Peterson-White, James Alexander Phipps, Jonathan A Segynola, Devi Selvakkannu, Maqsood Uz Zaman Temuri, David Shaw, Keith Martin Wagner, Richard Weare, Jonathan Wells, Rengeesh M Vijayan, Wo Yu-You

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General Enquiries

Institute of Corrosion
Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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