Young Engineer Programme

Young Engineer Programme

The October meeting, held as usual at the offices of McDermott’s in Paddington, was the penultimate meeting of the Young engineer Programme (YEP). The subjects for this meeting were “Presentation Skills” given by David Mobbs and “Inspection methods” given by Ian Daniel from Sonomatic.

The culmination of this programme is the presentation by the delegates of their Case Study solutions, and as this meeting was fast approaching, the presentation skills section was a timely reminder on how to prepare for a presentation that is concise, and the do’s and don’ts in developing an effective presentation. This is a skill that we are all required to use in our everyday working life, but few are ever trained in. The team mentors (John Boran, Rob Doggett and Chris Googan) were also present which gave the opportunity for some last minutes discussion on the results of their investigation into the Case Study and possible solutions, with one team having a draft presentation already prepared.

After the presentation on training, Ian Daniel described the various methods of inspection and the benefits of each, and how it’s possible to combine the various techniques to broaden the amount of useful information obtained.

Non-intrusive inspection, NII, was a key aspect of the discussion, as many operators are looking to “zero man entry” over the life of the asset. The presentation covered developments in storage tank bottom inspection, and remote monitoring via robotics.

The evening closed with a dinner and the opportunity to network.

A report on the Case Study presentation evening can be found on page 8 of this issue.

Hydrocarbon Fire Protection and Fire Engineering -YEP June Meeting

Hydrocarbon Fire Protection and Fire Engineering

By, Philip Hollyman MSc AIFireE MSFPE

Young Engineer Program June meeting was opened by George Winning  with a brief discussion on the Case Study which was delivered to the delegates last month with an update on the programme and the mentors.

Hydrocarbon Fire Protection is a complex; important topics that a young Engineer needs to focus on;

  • Passive Fire Protection
    • What is fire protection and why is it needed
    • Fire types
    • How PFP coatings are tested
    • Factors affecting the loading
  • Structural Fire Design
    • What is it and how does it provide cost and weight savings
    • Magic numbers and real project examples
  • Further Information
    • What information is available
    • Who are the governing bodies
    • Where do I find information

There was some good interaction from the floor with discussion on how Engineers could approach Fire Protection to meet the current project requirements to save weight and costs.

The evening closed with a networking dinner hosted by the Institute of Corrosion and AkzoNobel.

Our thanks as always goes to those who give up their free time to come and assist with the YEP programme and in particular Philip Hollyman from AkzoNobel.

Young Engineers Programme

The May meeting of the Young Engineers programme was held at the CB&I offices in London on the 16th May. The topic was coatings which was presented by David Mobbs and was warmly received by the enthusiastic audience. The presentation covered the high priority areas of coating including the requirement to qualify products to standards, the standards and what they mean, the testing methods required to achieve this qualification, and also looked at some case histories of coating applications good and bad.

Prior to the presentation the case study for the programme was presented to the delegates by Richard Carroll of Shell, who highlighted the importance of working together in the teams to deliver the required information as detailed in the document. In a change to previous years there will be only one case study for all the teams with each team giving a presentation in a competition to be delivered at the November ICorr London branch meeting.
This year the case study covers a number of areas in which the students are being trained including, materials, coatings, CP, failures, and the management of change. The mentors this year are John Boran, Rob Doggert and Chris Googan, and the teams will meet their mentors in the coming weeks to get started on the case study. A Linkedin page and drop box, have been set up for the teams to help them with this process.
The next meeting on Painting, Fire Protection and Linings will take place on the 29th June again being held at CB&I offices on London.

Again we would like to thank our hosts CB&I especially Sadegh Parvisi for organising the venue, our sponsors BP and our speakers, organising committee and delegates without whom we would not be able to stage this event.

Coatings & Linings and Introduction of Case Study By David Mobbs and Richard Carroll

Coatings and Linings

The May meeting of the Young Engineers program was held at the CB&I offices in London. This month the topic was Coatings and Linings which was presented by David Mobbs and was warmly received by the enthusiastic audience.  The presentation covered the high priority areas of coating including the requirement to qualify products to standards, the standards and what they mean, the testing methods required to achieve this qualification, some typical specifications and the pitfalls and Engineer can fall into. The new ISO 12944-9 formed the backbone of the discussion as it now covers all aspects of coating specification and system selection.

The discussion also looked at modern day options that could be adopted and how innovative ideas are also qualified in the new ISO standard and the requirements for their use.

The Case Study

Prior to the presentation the case study for the program was presented to the delegates. The case study was presented by Richard Carroll of Shell and he highlighted the importance of working together in the teams to deliver the required information as detailed in the document.

Each team will be giving a presentation to be delivered at the November ICorr London branch meeting, the winning team receiving a sponsored trip to NACE Nashville in 2019.

This year the case study is titled “Offshore Heat Exchanger Corrosion Failure” the delegates will be required to;

  • Review the design and operating data and propose a root cause
  • Define the failure scenarios
  • Describe a testing scope to confirm the root cause
  • Perform a corrosion risk assessment
  • Identify mitigation options to prolong the service life of the heat exchanger
  • Design materials for a replacement heat exchanger

We are extremely grateful to all those members of the Institute that give up their free time to help the cause not least the mentors this year, who are;

John Boran

Rob Doggett

Chris Googan

The teams will meet their mentors in the coming weeks and get going on the case study, a linked in page and drop box have been set up for the teams to help them with this process.


The delegates enjoyed an excellent meal on a canal boat in Paddington after the presentation, hosted by ICorr. A thoroughly recommended experience that all enjoyed.

The next YEP meeting will be on 20th June at CB&I in Paddington and the topic will be Hydrocarbon Fire Protection

Again, we would like to thank our Hosts CB&I especially Sadegh Parvizi for organising the venue, our sponsors BP and our speakers, organising committee and delegates who are travelling from Leeds and Newcastle to attend the event each month.

FOr copy of the Newsletter please click link below:

YEP News – MAY17 – Coatings and Linings (2)

Welding & Cutting / Non-Destructive Testing By Alan Denney

Welding & Cutting / Non-Destructive Testing By Alan Denney

The second presentation of The Young Engineers Program (YEP) also at CB&I in London with an excellent presentation on the complexity of Welding & Cutting followed by Non-Destructive Testing. The program continues through the year with 9 modules including a Case Study which the delegates will complete with the help of mentors.

The discussion was all encompassing but dealt with the basics of;

  • The basics
  • The common arc welding processes

o   Manual welding with covered electrodes; SMAW (MMA)

o   Submerged arc welding; SAW

o   Gas shielded welding; GMAW, (MIG / MAG)

o   Flux-cord arc welding; FCAW, SS-FCAW

o   Gas shielded welding with non-consumed electrode; GTAW (TIG)

  • Choice of welding processes
  • Cutting

o   Oxy-fuel cutting

o   Air-arc gouging

The lecture continued Non-destructive testing where the scope was;

  • Magnetic Particle Inspection
  • Liquid Penetrant Inspection
  • Radiography
  • Manual Ultrasonic Testing
  • It did not cover visual inspection which is the most common inspection method

The group enjoyed a networking session after the meeting at a local Lebanese restaurant courtesy of The Institute of Corrosion.

The next YEP meeting will be Materials and Materials Selection to be presented by Sadegh Parvizi on Wednesday 21st March at CB&I in London.

We are extremely grateful to Alan Denney and Sadegh Parvizi at CB&I and all the other members of ICorr that give up their time freely to assist our Young Engineers with their career development

For copy of the newsletter please click below:

YEP News – FEB17 – Welding and Inspection[6076]

Corrosion Fundamentals By Dr Jane Lomas

Corrosion Fundamentals By Dr Jane Lomas

The first presentation of The Young Engineers Program (YEP) also start at CB&I in London with an excellent presentation on the Basics of Corrosion by Jane Lomas. The event was opened by Bill hedges of BP and continues through the year with 9 modules including a Case Study which the delegates will present back at the London Branch meeting in November 2018.

 The discussion was all encompassing but dealt with the basics of corrosion from first principals;

  • Basic Principles
  • Anodic and Cathodic Areas
  • What Controls Corrosion rates
  • Corrosive Environments
  • Common Types of Corrosion
    • Pitting
    • Crevice attack
    • Galvanic corrosion
    • Stray current corrosion
    • Stress corrosion cracking
    • Microbially induced corrosion


The group enjoyed a networking session after the meeting at a local restaurant courtesy of The Institute of Corrosion.

The next YEP meeting will be Welding and NDT Techniques to be presented by Alan Denney on Wednesday 21st February at CB&I in London.

We are extremely grateful to Jane Lomas and Sadegh Parvizi at CB&I and all the other members of ICorr that give up their time freely to assist our Young Engineers with their career development

For complete article of the newsletter please click link below;

YEP News – JAN2018 – Corrosion Fundamentals[5783]