Latest News, YEP
Coatings and Linings
The May meeting of the Young Engineers program was held at the CB&I offices in London. This month the topic was Coatings and Linings which was presented by David Mobbs and was warmly received by the enthusiastic audience. The presentation covered the high priority areas of coating including the requirement to qualify products to standards, the standards and what they mean, the testing methods required to achieve this qualification, some typical specifications and the pitfalls and Engineer can fall into. The new ISO 12944-9 formed the backbone of the discussion as it now covers all aspects of coating specification and system selection.
The discussion also looked at modern day options that could be adopted and how innovative ideas are also qualified in the new ISO standard and the requirements for their use.

The Case Study
Prior to the presentation the case study for the program was presented to the delegates. The case study was presented by Richard Carroll of Shell and he highlighted the importance of working together in the teams to deliver the required information as detailed in the document.
Each team will be giving a presentation to be delivered at the November ICorr London branch meeting, the winning team receiving a sponsored trip to NACE Nashville in 2019.
This year the case study is titled “Offshore Heat Exchanger Corrosion Failure” the delegates will be required to;
- Review the design and operating data and propose a root cause
- Define the failure scenarios
- Describe a testing scope to confirm the root cause
- Perform a corrosion risk assessment
- Identify mitigation options to prolong the service life of the heat exchanger
- Design materials for a replacement heat exchanger
We are extremely grateful to all those members of the Institute that give up their free time to help the cause not least the mentors this year, who are;
John Boran
Rob Doggett
Chris Googan
The teams will meet their mentors in the coming weeks and get going on the case study, a linked in page and drop box have been set up for the teams to help them with this process.

The delegates enjoyed an excellent meal on a canal boat in Paddington after the presentation, hosted by ICorr. A thoroughly recommended experience that all enjoyed.
The next YEP meeting will be on 20th June at CB&I in Paddington and the topic will be Hydrocarbon Fire Protection
Again, we would like to thank our Hosts CB&I especially Sadegh Parvizi for organising the venue, our sponsors BP and our speakers, organising committee and delegates who are travelling from Leeds and Newcastle to attend the event each month.
FOr copy of the Newsletter please click link below:
YEP News – MAY17 – Coatings and Linings (2)
Aberdeen Branch, Latest News
George Gair of Subsea 7, commenced the evening session with a thought provoking theme ‘Subsea Inspection – The Future’ that considered many aspects of the current cost reduction environment, where there is a major focus now on how to reduce costs by incorporating new philosophies / technologies.

George Gair – Global Inspection Manager for Subsea 7 presenting to ICorr ABZ
Very clearly the drive is to produce new and robust methods of harvesting sensor data; subsea hardware suppliers are looking at increased in-suite equipment monitoring and intervention methods; the oceanographic community has developed remote seabed environmental monitoring systems. George highlighted many significant indicators that show a definite trend towards smarter systems, a key driver being to learn and incorporate inspection technologies from other industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Medical and Power Generation, together with more efficient use of gathered data.

Significant Integrity Failure found by Advanced Subsea 7 ROV.
Monzar Najami and Hooman Takhtechian of Oceaneering International followed on with a similarly stimulating discussion on the theme of, ‘Integrity Management of Brownfield Projects: Challenges and Rewards’ highlighting the many important analysis and data gathering areas of modern RBI – Risk Based Inspection methodologies

Monzar Najami – Principal Inspection Engineer of Oceaneering International
The presenters informed the large audience, that the greatest challenge to developing and implementing an asset integrity program during Brownfield development projects is the fact that project schedule and milestones often take primacy over integrity management processes, and in particular emerging vital integrity related interventions which can lead to conflict and disagreement. Any delays in the implementation of these activities impede the Integrity Management Programme (IMP) and increase the level of risk to the facilities in the operating stage.
Key stages in an IMP project were highlighted as:
- Identify stakeholders early in the project (project team, operations, planners, site personnel)
- Define strategies and processes and add activities to the construction plan (integrated project activity approach)
- Analyze historical data (collect the available list of failures, anomalies and review root cause analysis)
- Material fitness for new process (review threats assessment and existing material suitability)
- Baseline inspections: Get in early (define scope and input your inspection requirements in the manufacturer’s ITP)
- Brownfield revamp activities: Scrutinize output (repair recommendations were challenged and resulted in major cost saving, and change in material selection)
- Tagging and RBA output alignment with the existing CMMS (understand the existing Computerized Maintenance Management System prior to your RBA to avoid major re-work)
- Deployment of new and advanced inspection technologies (to achieve major cost savings)
For copy of the newsletter please click link below:
Aberdeen Newsletter – April 2018 Meeting
Aberdeen Branch, Latest News
An industrial visit to Element Materials Technology in Aberdeen to attend the technical presentation of “Sour Service Testing of Carbon Steel Girth Welds” by Phil Dent, Element’s Global Corrosion Specialist, followed by a visit to the new H2S / Sour Service Laboratories.
An introduction was delivered by Ian Farquharson- General Manager of Element Aberdeen and Edinburgh branches, who declared that Element is ranked as the 5th biggest materials testing and certification firms in the world following its recent merger with EXOVA. He also mentioned that Element Aberdeen is a UKAS and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory which offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of metallurgical materials testing and analysis services in the UK including mechanical testing, fracture toughness testing, engineering critical assessments (ECA), metallurgy and materials characterization, failure investigation, chemical analysis, corrosion testing and welding engineering services to multi-sector clients around the world.
Phil Dent of Element started the technical presentation by a definition of sour service condition followed by description of various types of sour service cracking mechanisms and the environmental factors affecting the susceptibility of materials under sour service regimes. The sour service cracking mechanisms which were presented by Phil included Sulphide Stress Cracking (SSC), Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), Stress Orientated Hydrogen Induced Cracking (SOHIC), and Soft-Zone Cracking (SZC). The various test methods such as Four Points Bend test (NACE TM0316), C-Ring test (NACE TM0177, Method C), Full Ring test (BS 8701), and Uniaxial tensile test (NACE TM0177, Method A) were explained by the presenter.
Phil Dent, Element’s Global Corrosion Specialist explains SSC Phenomenon
The corrosion testing laboratory visit was accomplished under supervision of Paul Roberts – Corrosion and Chemistry Manager after a brief introduction of the safety points. The corrosion testing services cover a full range of environmental testing simulations, including pipeline corrosion testing for sour and non-sour applications, hydrogen testing, pitting, full ring tests, as well as SCC tests.
Element Laboratories in Aberdeen, specialise in materials qualification for sour service applications and offer standard HIC, SSC tests and also more specialised Full Ring and SOHIC tests and follow such international testing standards and protocols as ASTM, IP MIL and NACE. The summarised information about the facilities and test procedures for H2S sour service axial tensile test, high temperature / high pressure, electrochemical tests and strain gauging was delivered by Paul.
Element Laboratory Example of Serious SCC Type Cracking
The questions raised by attendees during the technical presentation and laboratory visits were well responded to by the Hosts. This event attracted a high interest within the professionals and executives of major oil and gas operators, engineering consultancies, and service companies in Aberdeen, to attend and take the benefits by visiting one of the major testing and materials qualifications bodies here in United Kingdom. Overall, it proved to be an excellent event in every respect.
For Copy of the newsletter please click link below:
Aberdeen Newsletter – March 2018 Meeting.docx
Revised 6th March 2018
The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) is required to maintain certain personal data about living individuals for the purposes of satisfying operational obligations. The Institute recognises the importance of the correct and lawful treatment of personal data; it maintains confidence in the organisation and provides for successful operations.
The types of personal data that the Institute of Corrosion may require include, as examples, information about: current, past and prospective employees and officers of ICorr; members of ICorr; individuals who hold certification where ICorr is the Certificating Body; suppliers and others with whom it communicates. This personal data, whether it is held on paper, on computer or other media, is subject to the appropriate legal safeguards as specified in the Data Protection Act 1998.
The Institute of Corrosion fully endorses and adheres to the eight principles of the Data Protection Act. These principles specify the legal conditions that must be satisfied in relation to obtaining, handling, processing, transportation, and storage of personal data. Employees and any others who obtain, handle, process, transport and store personal data for the Institute must adhere to these principles.
The principles require that personal data shall:
1. Be processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met;
2. Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose;
3. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes;
4. Be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
5. Not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose;
6. Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights;
7. Be kept secure from unauthorised or unlawful processing and protected against accidental loss, destruction or damage by using the appropriate technical and organisational measures;
8. And not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
Satisfaction of principles
In order to meet the requirements of the principles, the Institute of Corrosion shall:
▪ observe fully the conditions regarding the fair collection and use of personal data;
▪ meet its obligations to specify the purposes for which personal data is used;
▪ collect and process appropriate personal data only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil operational or any legal requirements;
▪ ensure the quality of personal data used;
ICorr, Data Protection Policy (6/3/2018) page 2 of 3
▪ apply strict checks to determine the length of time personal data is held;
▪ ensure that the rights of individuals about whom the personal data is held, can be fully exercised under the Act;
▪ take the appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal data;
▪ and ensure that personal data is not transferred abroad without suitable safeguards.
The Designated Data Protection Officer
The Institute of Corrosion shall ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act by nominating a Data Protection Officer who shall be responsible for implementation of this policy on behalf of the Council, Trustees and President of ICorr. The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at:
Data Protection Officer
The Institute of Corrosion
Barratt House
Kingsthorpe Road
tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222
Any questions or concerns about the interpretation or operation of this policy should be taken up in the first instance with the Data Protection Officer.
Status of the policy
This policy has been approved by the Council of the Institute of Corrosion and employees of ICorr shall be bound by its principles. Any employee who considers that the policy has not been followed in any way (for example in respect of personal data about themselves or others) should raise the matter with the Data Protection Controller in the first instance.
Subject access
All individuals who are the subject of personal data held by ICorr are entitled to:
▪ Ask what information ICorr holds about them and why.
▪ Ask how to gain access to it.
▪ Be informed how to keep it up to date.
▪ Be informed what ICorr is doing to comply with its obligations under the 1998 Data Protection Act.
Employee responsibilities
All employees are responsible for:
▪ Checking that any personal data that they provide to ICorr is accurate and up to date.
▪ Informing ICorr of any changes to information which they have provided, e.g. changes of address.
▪ Checking any information that ICorr may send out from time to time, giving details of information that is being kept and processed.
If, as part of their responsibilities, employees collect information about other people (e.g. about the personal circumstances of members, or about individuals in a certification scheme), they must comply with this Policy. ICorr, Data Protection Policy (6/3/2018) page 3 of 3
Data security
The need to ensure that data is kept securely means that precautions must be taken
against physical loss or damage, and that both access and disclosure must be restricted.
All staff are responsible for ensuring that:
▪ Any personal data which they hold is kept securely
▪ Personal information is not disclosed either orally or in writing or otherwise to any unauthorised third party.
Rights to access information
All subjects of personal data held by ICorr have the right to access any data that is being kept about them on computer and also have access to paper-based data where it is held on manual filing systems. This right is subject to certain exemptions which are set out in the Data Protection Act. Any person who wishes to exercise this right should make the request in writing to the Data Protection Controller.
The Institute of Corrosion reserves the right to charge a fee payable for each subject access request. If personal details are inaccurate, they shall be amended upon request for no further charge. ICorr aims to comply with requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible, but will ensure that it is provided within 40 days of receipt of a request unless there is good reason for delay. In such cases, the reason for delay will be explained in writing to the individual making the request.
Information that is in the public domain is exempt from the 1998 Data Protection Act. This would include, for example, information contained within publications. Any individual who has good reason for wishing details in such publications to remain confidential should contact the Data Protection Controller.
Subject consent
The need to process data for normal purposes has been communicated to all data subjects (e.g. members of ICorr). In some cases, if the data is sensitive, for example information about health, race or gender, express consent from the individual to process the data must be obtained.
Retention of data
The Institute of Corrosion shall keep some forms of information for longer than others. All staff are responsible for ensuring that information is not kept for longer than necessary.
Supporting material
The Institute of Corrosion has produced a Data Protection Manual in support of this policy. These documents can be obtained from the Data Protection Controller. The purpose for holding personal data, and a general description of the categories of people and organis-ations to whom it may be disclosed, are listed in the Data Protection Manual as part of the Data Protection register. This information may be inspected or obtained from the Date Protection Controller.