Industry News Appointment of new Engineering Council Chair

Appointment of new Engineering Council Chair

The Engineering Council has announced the appointment of Prof John Chudley CEng FIMarEST to the position of Chair of the Engineering Council’s Board of Trustees. John will take up the role in June 2023 at the Engineering Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), at which Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAeS FREng formally completes his term as Chair.
John has served on the Engineering Council’s Board of Trustees since 2017 and chairs the Registration Standards Committee. He was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Engineering Council in 2021, including supporting the implementation of the Engineering Council’s 2025 Strategy. He has also worked with the Civil Service, including serving as Director of the Learning and Skills Council and the National Apprenticeship Service, where he was instrumental in the development of Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships.

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