Coatings Technical Conference

ETCC2020 – the European Technical Coatings Congress, organised by FATIPEC – Federation of Associations of Technicians for Industry of Paint in European Countries, and SITPChem – Polish Association of Chemical Engineers will take place on 2–4 September 2020 in Krakow, Poland.

ETCC2020 is one of the most prestigious and important technical and scientific coatings events, creating a platform and a meeting point of industry and science, represented by institutes and universities.  The congress creates the possibility of international co-operation and collecting unique knowledge about the newest materials, products, processing, equipment, research and testing. The Congress has 70 years of tradition and will cover the latest scientific and technical achievements in paints, coatings, adhesives and construction materials.

During the three days of the event there will be plenary presentations, 3–4 parallel sessions, poster presentations, and an exhibition. A “Summer School” with lectures dedicated especially for young scientists and students forms a separate part of the congress.

The speakers represent the largest companies, institutes, and universities across Europe, as well from other countries world-wide.

Further information can be found on the congress website,

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