London Branch

As with other Institute of Corrosion meetings, the branch’s March and April technical presentations had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. The committee held an online meeting under its new chairman, Ben Moorhouse of BP, to discuss how to move forward under the current situation. The committee would like to thank Paul Brooks the outgoing chair for the hard work he put into the branch during his tenure. Contingency plans were discussed to hold a replacement Annual General Meeting and next season’s regular talks (October onwards) via online video conferencing, if they cannot be held in person. Further information will be available in later issues of this magazine, and on the Institute website.

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President Handover

President Handover

Dear Members, The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) is very pleased to announce the successful election of Dr Yunnan Gao as its New President and Dr Anthony Setiadi as its New Vice President at its AGM held in Neville Hall, Newcastle on 13 November 2024. Dr Yunnan Gao...

Institute of Corrosion 2024 AGM at Neville Hall

Institute of Corrosion 2024 AGM at Neville Hall

“The Institute offers its many congratulations to our newly elected President – Dr Yunnan Gao”
At the AGM of November 13th held at NE Branch, Stephen Tate passed on the Presidency of ICorr to Yunnan Gao and Yunnan passed on the Vice-Presidency to Anthony Setiadi.
Yunnan brings a wealth of experience to ICorr in many areas of Corrosion Management and has the full support of Council and employer bp.
Anthony also joins with considerable experience in many areas including renewables and Offshore Wind in his extensive work with Wood Thilsted. Together our new Team will move forward with renewed success.