The Young Engineer Programme (YEP) – Final Evening Presentation

The 2018 YEP culminated in the teams presenting their findings on the Case Study at Imperial College on Thursday 8th November.

This was 12 months of work for the delegates who have worked through modules that span the breadth and depth of our industry.

It was a truly fantastic evening with 3 excellent presentations from the teams

Team Boran

Agniezka Knyter

Rachel Colpitts

Liam Fox

Konstantinos Katsounis

Team Doggett   

Daniel Burkle

Oliver Smith

Caroline Earl

Jessica Easton

Team Googan

Mark Fearns

Stephen Shapcott

Liya Guo

There were a good deal of questions from the audience after each presentation following which the Judges went away to deliberate.

Bill Hedges of BP, when making his award speech, said “its been very hard to select a winner as they were all so good. However there has to be a winning team and that is Team Doggett.”

The winning team will be travelling to the USA in April 2019 to attend the NACE Conference in Nashville where a whole programme will be arranged. They will post a blog of their activity and learnings on a daily basis which will be attached to the Institute of Corrosion website. We are grateful to the President and staff of NACE for pledging their support to the winners whilst they are in Nashville by providing conference registrations and access to the student award ceremony.

The teams will also present their conference learning in the 2019 winter lecture series at ICorr London Branch.

The response from the delegates has been incredibly encouraging;

This programme has altered the way I think about my work and how I carry it out”

“I have found a new job and moved to London living in Kew Gardens and cycling to work each day  I love it”

“I hadn’t realised the value of ICorr and I will go back to work on Monday and encourage them to engage

A comment from one of the senior Engineers in our fraternity gave the programme even more credibility, “This is probably the most important function in the UK Corrosion calendar, it’s truly fantastic

It’s also interesting to note that Agne Knyter of Team Boran travelled to the U.K. from Poland in 2015 under her own steam to take part in the YEP Case Study presentation and decided then she wanted to be involved in the next YEP programme.

The week before the YEP presentation, Chris Bridge and Simon Bowcock, representing Young ICorr, presented at Oxford University and 32 people signed up as student members of ICorr. We are finally pulling young Engineers into our Institute and showing them the value of being a member.

Thanks go to all those involved in the YEP process; the organising committee, the lecturers, the hosts, the mentors, the Judges, the delegates and of course a big thank you to the sponsors of the event BP.


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