Industry News
The following documents have obtained substantial support during the past two months and have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval.
IISO/DIS 16961 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Internal coating and lining of steel storage tanks 2022-06-07 (Revision of 2015 standard)
ISO/FDIS 18768-1 Organic coatings on aluminium and its alloys — Methods for specifying decorative and protective organic coatings on aluminium — Part 1: Powder coatings
ISO/FDIS 18768-2 Organic coatings on aluminium and its alloys — Methods for specifying decorative and protective organic coatings on aluminium — Part 2: Liquid coatings
New international standards published during the past two months
ISO 2080 Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings — Vocabulary
ISO 23721 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Rating method by appearance of rust and stains of atmospheric corrosion for stainless steel

July 2022

July 2022

August 2021
Industry News
Belgian anti-corrosion coating company Acotec, has recently announced the launch of its one-layer protection coating for the wind farm industry, Humidur WF22. According to the company, this product is based on their all-weather offshore coating technology, reportedly delivering protection against aggressive humidity and seawater exposure.
The new product reportedly offers over 35 years of protection in highly corrosive environments. The one-coat system is cost-effective in that it reduces application time, labour costs and level of waste.
The coating has been proven to cure under water, including at freezing temperatures, allowing the structure to be submerged right after application. The coating is also 100% solids, containing no solvents, heavy metals, isocyanates, or VOCs, concluded the company.
Industry News
A new review has been published that focuses on physical vapour deposition-based (PVD) metallic coatings for steel as an alternative to conventional galvanised coatings.
This article reviewed the scope and prospect of the PVD technique for the steel industry over HDG and EG, and focused on different kinds of PVD techniques, their advantages, and disadvantages. An emphasis has been given to the recent development of Zn- and Al-based PVD coatings on steel substrates. The industrial competency of PVD in the steel industry was also discussed together with the challenges associated with the commercialisation of the process, and it makes recommendations for further improvement.
The review was published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research Volume 19, 2022.
Industry News
A recent study reported on the synthesis of calcium tannate, its characterisation, and use in an epoxy coating as an inhibitive pigment.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was used to monitor the anti-corrosive performance of the coating formulated with the as-prepared pigment after exposure in a salt spray chamber. Reference coatings with a commercial calcium phosphate pigment and an unpigmented coating were also evaluated for comparison.
EIS results showed that epoxy coating pigmented with calcium tannate had higher coating impedance after 21 days of exposure compared with reference coatings, either unpigmented, or calcium phosphate pigmented coatings. XPS analysis was also used to give a deeper understanding of the inhibitive action of calcium tannate for corrosion protection, and verified the incorporation of tannate molecules in the protective film formed on the steel substrate under the coating.
The study was published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 167, June 2022.
Industry News
A recent article described a smart epoxy coating with mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with calcium phosphate for corrosion protection. This however is not particularly new, as in the 1980s, a controlled release pigment based on calcium supported on silica was developed, and gave enhanced corrosion protection in several resin systems (Shieldex®)
During this study, calcium phosphate was encapsulated into mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN), and the effect of pH on the structure, morphology of the MSN, and the release of calcium phosphate from the MSN, was investigated. Epoxy coatings with encapsulated (3 wt%) and non-encapsulated (3 wt% and 5 wt%) calcium phosphate were formulated and their anti-corrosive performance was evaluated.
Results showed that encapsulation of the calcium phosphate as inhibitive pigment in the coating can enhance the anti-corrosive performance by preventing spontaneous pigment dissolution and controlled the pigment’s release from the coating, as did the 80s development.
The study was published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 165, April 2022.