CEng IEng and EngTech Registration with Engineering Council Update

For those of our members who are registered with the Engineering Council (EC) as CEng, IEng or EngTech through the Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE), you will have received correspondence advising you that SEE will no longer be a Licenced Member of the EC after 31 July 2019, and therefore ICorr Members will no longer be able to use this route for Registration.
Providing Registrants have paid their 2019 Registration fees and are up to date with ICorr subscriptions, their registration will continue until 31 July 2020 so there is no need for concern. We will have alternative arrangements in place before then.

We are in the process of setting up a Registration Agreement with another Licenced Member of the EC which has been approved by both councils and is now subject to approval by Engineering Council. Once approved, some of our procedures will have to change but the important thing for ICorr is that we will be able to continue to offer Registration to our members in a seamless way.

For those members who are thinking of applying for Registration, can we ask you to continue completing the forms and gathering your information together but please hold onto your application until we are able to announce an alternative route to Registration, hopefully at the start of 2020.

Please be patient and as soon as we have an agreement in place, we will inform you of the changes and the procedure for transferring your Registration from SEE to the new Licenced Member.

Urgent Requirement
To all those Members that are registered as CEng, regardless of which body you may be registered through, ICorr needs a pool of willing volunteers to act as applicant assessors and professional review interviewers to ensure that the applicant meets the requirements of EC’s UKSpec. Suitable training will be provided.
It is estimated that you would not have more than 4 applications per annum to assess, averaging up to 3 hours per application. If willing to act as an interviewer, then this may be 2 or 3 half days per annum in London.

Any existing CEng willing to be considered for this role should let me know through ICorr Office (admin@icorr.org) as soon as possible so that training can be arranged. Please contact me should you require any further information concerning this role.
If we are unable to find and train sufficient assessors and interviewers, ICorr may lose the ability to offer registration. Formal assessment of potential new Registrants is an important function that is highly valued by the Institute and its members.
David Harvey, CEng, FICorr, EC Registration 

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