The President Writes – Sept / October Issue

Last month I had the pleasure of presenting the prestigious U.R. Evans award on behalf of the Institute of Corrosion.   The award this year was presented posthumously to Prof. Hugh Isaacs, a leading figure in the corrosion field and fellow of the Electrochemical Society.   The award was collected by Professor Mary Ryan who gave a very interesting lecture in recognition of his work.  One of the things that this reminded me of was the wonderful community we work in.  We are very fortunate to be part of the corrosion community, and work with the people we do, bringing to mind the importance of continuing these working relationships and friendships.

We need to keep our community vibrant and there are various initiatives within ICorr that we are hoping will help to facilitate this.  For example, the Young ICorr group are planning an event in November which will be a lecture followed by networking, and I would encourage all ‘young’ members, and also some of your younger colleagues who are not currently members, to get involved.

I was also able to attend the Aberdeen Branch Corrosion Awareness Day, which was a very well attended event with almost 70 people attending, and I believe a report on this will be in the magazine.  Thanks must go to the Aberdeen committee, and all the speakers, for giving up their time to make this such a successful event.

We will also be running our first “Fundamentals of Corrosion’ course in October – a new training programme aimed specifically at Engineers in the industry.  Full details will be published on the ICorr website.

It has just been announced that this year’s AGM will be hosted by Midland Branch and initial details are given in Local Branch section.

Finally I would just like to remind members that their subscriptions for 2017/2018 were due in July.

Sarah Vasey, ICorr President

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