From the Editor

Welcome to the first issue of 2024!

Our present issue is dedicated to the theme “Corrosion in Concrete”. Problems with concrete structures have continued to dominate our headlines of late.

Paul Chess has authored the first technical article, “Recent Advances in understanding of corrosion of steel in concrete”. This article is a condensed and restricted version of his recent book. The corrosion process in reinforced concrete is a lot more complex than previously considered. Paul Chess has described the corrosion of steel in concrete very well. The second article is “The performance and assessment of galvanic anodes in concrete structures,” authored by C. Stone, G. Glass, and D. Bewley.

This article discusses the development of galvanic corrosion control for reinforced concrete structures, taking into account the evaluation and performance of the system through three case studies. Chris Atkins has written the third article, “Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in the UK” which follows on from his recent talk to our North West branch.

We invite industry news, technical articles, and articles for fellow’s corner from you in whichever part of the world you are based please send all your content for consideration to

I would like to wish you all the success and happiness in 2024.
Dr Shagufta Khan, FICorr
Consulting Editor

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Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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