ICorr Training: The Important Role 
of our ICorr Tutors

This month, as part of our new Corrosion Management Journal Tutor feature, Profiling Alessandro Bonetti Cathodic Protection Specialist.

A practicing cathodic protection engineer with a background in materials engineering and specialised in nanotechnology, Alessandro has had more than 14 years’ experience in the cathodic protection industry within the UK as well as Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. His expertise extends from complex land-based cathodic protection systems for tank bottoms, pipelines, in-plant piping, and buried vessels to tank internals, jetty and harbour installations, and offshore structures, including wind farms. He has been involved with offshore CP inspections with remotely operated vehicles, and he is still involved with product design and development for cathodic protection systems and CP monitoring.

Alessandro was ICorr’s document controller in 2022 and has been teaching ICorr’s BS EN ISO 15257 cathodic protection buried sector courses since 2022. He finds this very rewarding, especially when candidates realise the importance of the measurements they have been performing for years.

Alessandro Bonetti MSc Materials Engineering

ISO 15257 Level 4 Cathodic Protection Specialist

Tel: 07475055341 Email: alessandro.bonetti@cathodic.co.uk


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Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222
e-mail: admin@icorr.org

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